( <DeviceId>)
Interconnects the voice channels of the current device and the specified device.
Channel to be connected.
Return Value
- Interconnects current device to the specified device so
that the
outgoing audio of the current device is passed on to the incoming audio
of the specified device and the outgoing audio of the specified device
is passed on to the incoming audio of the current device. In effect,
the two devices do a SoftListen()
on each other's incoming channels.
- Any number of interconnects may be
performed with any number of devices simultaneously, with processor
capability being the only limit. Technically it is possible to do a
SoftConference by performing multiple SoftInterconnect() with all the
participating devices. In practice, the load on the processor may be
too high.
- The more channels are added, the more would be the
resulting volume and the noise accompanying it. This is because
no automatic gain control is incorporated into this function. Hence,
software interconnect is recommended to club two channels together.
Refer samples provided with the Xtend IVR.